Hello Leo,

I'm going to assume you are the Leo Schuman (married to Michael Henry/Peppermint) that I knew back when in the 'Radical Faeries' ? Dale Greer//Firefox here.

I just read your article and found it AMAZINGly true to what I know and believe on many levels.

The idea of 'ownership' (of anything) I'm coming to find apalling. My take (now) is "We (humans) don't

"own" anything ! We only borrow it - all - from the future. But the way we (all) are squandering - anything and everything in the here and now, there won't be much of anything left of a/any world to

survive into ~

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Hello! Yes, it is me. Thank you for reading this and your thoughtful response. I hope you may subscribe and even share. Regardless, I hope life is treating you kindly.

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"Because, unless we are Native American, none of us have been here long at all." My wife and I discuss this all the time. Especially with the vitriol against west coasters. It was the same in NC against Floridians. Everyone thinks they have a right to call a place home because their parents or maybe grandparents did. It's all so tiresome...But, I'm so enjoying the conversations you have with Joel! Very earnest and thought provoking.

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